aihacker 发表于 2023-11-7 14:01

施展李筠力荐:人文通识100讲 已失效

(出处: 瑞客论坛)

aoskei987 发表于 2023-11-8 00:04

Discussion is an exchange of knowledge; argument is an exchange of ignorance.

faQu23 发表于 2023-11-8 00:07

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

quirky 发表于 2023-11-8 00:09

You can鈥檛 use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.

massacre 发表于 2023-11-8 07:08

Instead of holding on to those who have already left, cherish those who stayed behind.

notorious 发表于 2023-11-8 10:09

For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.

spiral 发表于 2023-11-8 10:10

Questions can't change the truth. But they give it motion.

pi782a 发表于 2023-11-9 00:03

Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.聽

oki977 发表于 2023-11-9 07:03

The strongest person is the one who isn't scared to be alone.

quirky 发表于 2023-11-9 07:06

I'm doing better than I ever was.
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查看完整版本: 施展李筠力荐:人文通识100讲 已失效